Friday, February 8, 2013

Short Sale Lease Back Program

The Short Sale with Lease Back is a program that was created for homeowners to short sale their home and lease back for 3 yrs with a possibilty of re-purchase. This program is not that simple for those to qualify for. 

These are the requirements:

Homeowners must work with a licensed agent who is trained and certified by the Short Sale Lease-Back Program.
A qualified non-profit would purchase the home in a short sale.
The homeowner’s lenders must approve of the lease-back terms — the intent of the sale and tenancy cannot be hidden from the lienholders.
The seller would lease the home for a minimum of three years, allowing their credit to heal so that they could qualify for a mortgage.
Homeowners must attend ongoing HUD and financial-literacy counseling and speak with legal and tax experts to ensure the program is the right fit.
If approved, the former owner might be allowed to repurchase the home, perhaps at a giant discount from what they once owed on it.
Not all homeowners qualify for the program. Borrowers must have sufficient income to afford the monthly rent payments in addition to their other debt payments.
If the homeowner doesn't meet with this criteria a Short Sale would be there best interest that if negotiated right can lead to relocation money from 3k-45k.
If there are any questions in regards to this contact The Short Sale Department .
-The Short Sale Department

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